Heroclix Scenarios

Heroclix Scenario for this Friday (02/07/2025): Equipment Raid
It's like robbing Radio Shack
    Points: 300
    Allowed Sets: All sets are allowed
    Rules: Latest rules set to be used
Additional Rules: 
1) During Force Construction you must assign at least one piece of equipment to a figure on your force.
2) During setup all assigned equipment is placed in a square in the center of the map starting with the first player.
3) During the game a figure may pick up any equipment. If it was originally assigned to them they may equip it as a free action.
4) No other special rules this week, other than the above standard Battle Royale Multiplayer rules will be used.
Heroclix Scenario for next Friday (02/14/2025): Happy Valentine's Day
It's date night!
    Points: 300
    Allowed Sets: All sets are allowed
    Rules: Latest rules set to be used
Additional Rules: 
1) During Force Construction for every figure in your force, you must include at least one figure that the character has gone out with in the comic books.  You may have one figure that dated (or went out with) more than one figure.  
  For example: Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) has gone out with Black Canary and Shado, so you could include all three figures on your force.
2) No other special rules this week, other than the above standard Battle Royale Multiplayer rules will be used.
Heroclix Scenario for Friday 02/21/2025: Power Outage
No, not that kind of power...
    Entry Fee: $5.00 **CASH ONLY**(we will be handing out Organized Play prizes that we've been stock piling)
    Points: 300
    Allowed Sets: All sets are allowed
    Rules: Latest rules set to be used
Additional Rules: 
1) Construct your force as normal.
2) After both player have setup for their game, but before the first turn roll a d6.  On a result of:
     1: All traits are nullified and can not be used during the entire game.
     2: All speed powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire game.
     3: All attack powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire game.
     4: All defense powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire game.
     5: All damage powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire game.
     6: All traits and powers work normally
3) No other special rules this week, other than the above standard Battle Royale Multiplayer rules will be used.

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