Heroclix Scenarios

Scheduled to Ship in Sept. 2024:
Avengers First Appearance - IN THE STORE
Dungeons & Dragons HeroClix: Iconix - Eye of the Beholder
DC Heroclix Iconix: Superman Up, Up, and Away
DC Heroclix: Wild West OP Kit

DC HeroClix: Starter Set 2025

Marvel HeroClix: Starter Set 2025

Marvel Heroclix Iconix: Captain America from the Ice
Jason is still taking pre-orders for the following items:
Marvel Heroclix: Black Panther (assuming October timeframe):
Marvel Heroclix: X-Men High Rollers Monthly OP Kit

Marvel HeroClix: Black Panther Booster Brick - $150/brick, $290/Case

Marvel HeroClix: Black Panther Play at Home Kit (T'Challa vs Killmonger) - $25

Marvel HeroClix: Black Panther Play at Home Kit 2 (Shuri vs Klaw) - $25


Iconix Sets (releases vary by Iconix):

DC HeroClix: Iconix - Trigon and Raven - $50

DC HeroClix: Mr. Freeze (Snowglobe) - $25

DC HeroClix: Iconix - The Sandman - $25

Dungeons & Dragons HeroClix: Iconix - Den of the Displacer Beast - $40

Dungeons & Dragons HeroClix: Iconix - Cave of the Owlbear - $30

Marvel HeroClix: Iconix - First Appearance Spider-Man - $25 (Scheduled for October 2024)
Warner Bros. HeroClix: Iconix - Beetlejuice It's Showtime - $20 (Scheduled for October 2024)
HeroClix: 400
Cap's Kooky Quartet
Warrior's of Wakanda



Heroclix Scenario for next Friday (10/11/2024): 300 point Constructed
Flash Fact: In binary 1010 also equals 10 in our decimal system...
    Points: 300 pts
    Allowed Sets: All sets are allowed
    Rules: Latest rules set to be used
Additional Rules: 
1) Build a fun team to play, no special rules this week.

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330 E. Army Trail Rd
Glendale Heights, Illinois 60139
Phone: 224-353-4902
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