Allowed Sets: All sets are allowed
Rules: Latest rules set to be used
1) Construct your force as
2) After both player have setup for their game,
but before the first turn roll a d6. On a result of:
1: All traits are nullified
and can not be used during the entire game.
2: All speed powers are
nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire game.
3: All attack
powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire
4: All defense powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire
5: All damage powers are nullified and can not be used (except those in traits) during the entire game.
6: All traits and powers work normally
3) No other special rules this week, other than
the above standard Battle Royale Multiplayer rules will be used.